Television TV

The Flumps

Something altogether different from those mmmmmarshmallow sweets we used to love tucking into, The Flumps were a kids' TV show produced by David Yates, which aired just after lunchtime on the Beeb in 1977. There were only 13 episodes of The Flumps made, but oh how we loved it!

Family Flumpy consisted of: Grandfather Flump, Father Flump who was very clever and into inventing things, Mother Flump who is a traditional mum and spends most of her time doing the housework or reading to the young Flumps, Perkin, Posie and Pootle. Sporting the best bobble hats on the Beeb and looking rather owly and cute, kids loved The Flumps. You might think they look quite similar to Mr Potato Head - you'd be right, but these have a few more accessories - Posie usually sports a blue ribbon in her hair, Perkin customises his look with a yellow and blue knitted hat, Pootle has a babyish white hat and Grandfather Flump favours a touch of tweed.

As with most kids TV programmes of this ilk, there were only so many morals that could be taught, so The Flumps storylines weren't all that original. There were capers with magnets, roller skates and rockets, but by far my favourite was the first episode. Entitled "Secrets", it centred around Posie being told to keep a secret under her hat - only problem being she couldn't find her hat. Oh dear… At least Grandfather Flump was offering something more original from his "Flumpet" (basically a trumpet, FYI) in most episodes - until baby Pootle shoved a carrot into the end. The 13 episodes were called: Secrets, The Cloud, The Magnet, Get Your Skates On, Moon Shot, Balloons, Keep Fit, Something Different, Lend A Hand, Quiet Please, Grandfather's Birthday, What A Carrot and Where's Grandfather? (you'll be pleased to know they found him).

You can now pick up a copy of The Flumps on DVD (released in 2000). And for those of you with a keen ear, you may have heard the theme tune being used in a series of adverts for AutoTrader in early 2008.

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Do You Remember The Flumps?

Do You Remember The Flumps?

  • Whitecamp1
    I heard the name Pottle recently and thought of the Flumps I could have sworn Pootle was called Pottle
  • Anonymous user
    "What's a Lost Properly Box?" My Dad made me a Flumpet out of a length of garden hose and a plastic funnel. There was a shop in the Lake District that sold toy "Flumps" but I'm not sure the toys were official/named as such! I had four!! The Flumps had Lancashire accents, or at least a rather posh BBC lady doing her very best!
  • Lesloid0
    OMG, I saw a picture of Pootle on Facebook the other day and it made me remember all the good things about my younger years. I loved the flumps, am sure if I watched it now at the ripe age of 38 it wouldn't be the same.
  • Anonymous user
    Aww,the Flumps were soooo cute. Pootle was my favourtie!!
  • Anonymous user
    I had a flumps purse it was red and had pootle on the front I thought I was pootle for a while and would always nick my dads woolie hat and play flumps in the garden. Skill!!
  • Anonymous user
    i so loved the flumps,its weired when people say things about it and straight away it sparks a memory.bring back the flumps .
  • Anonymous user
    I loved the Flumps-still do, I got em on dvd! My fave memories are grandfather flump and his "Flumpet" which he drove everyone mad with so they put a carrot in the end to shut him up, Pootle always getting things mixed up and confused like when they caught the moon in a bucket of water and again Pootle being "flup" when he'd had enough to eat. Names were Mother, Father and Grandfather Flump and Posie, Perkin and Pootle. Oh happy days, they don't make em like they used to!
  • Anonymous user
    I loved the flumps when i was a nipper. does anyone remember the exersize episode. arms stretch, knees bend, wiggle your hips and touch your toe, poor little pootle kept getting it wrong.LOL
  • Anonymous user
    Grandfather Flump, Father, Mother, Posie, Perkin and pootle. Has to be my fav prog from childhood
  • Anonymous user
    The "Flumps" were a furry family of creatures who talked in Birmingham accents. I remember "Pottle" who wore a woolly hat!