
I KNOW that I remember a perfume that smelt of hay - and was around at the same time as Aqua Manda.... I kept all the bottles for years - they were opaque white with a meadow with poppies and flowers (still white) in relief around the bottom... I'm sure I was able to find a picture of it a few years back - but this time I can find nothing like it - and it isn't the same bottle as the Meadowsweet... (I thought perhaps I had the name wrong?) and just to bring everyone up to date - Aqua Manda has been re-launched and seems to have had mixed reviews - but it is VERY expensive (in my view)and I'm sure when Coty produced it I would only have been able to afford it on a teenagers budget... Can anyone help me on this one... MEADOWSWEET??? Pretty white bottle NOT the same as the other bottle beginning with meadow.....- it really did smell of hay...... !!! x

Do You Remember Meadowsweet?

Do You Remember Meadowsweet?

  • Anonymous user
    The perfume was called Meadowsng by Goya - i had some for my 12th birthday and loved it,