Care Bear Cousins

Tenderheart Lion, Playfulheart Monkey, Proudheart Cat... I don't quite understand how a lion, a monkey, and a cat could ever be "related" and further still cousin to a bear; but that's the way things are in Care-A-Lot (the cloud home of our happy friends). Surprisingly enough and despite their 'breed' the Cousins DO share an uncanny resemblance to their Care Bear kin. Go figure.

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Do You Remember Care Bear Cousins?

Do You Remember Care Bear Cousins?

  • kagomeshuko
    My sister has/d the Raccoon!
  • Anonymous user
    Oh! I had the cozy heart penguin. Me and my sister found it in the attic last year and gave it to our friend who loves penguins. lol.
  • Anonymous user
    I had brave heart lion and remember being jelous of my friend Lisa as she had tons of love elephant (i think thats what it was called) and i wanted that one coz it was pink...
  • Anonymous user
    I had none of the Cousins as a child, but now, I have 3 versions of Proud Heart(I LOVE cats), and got the new Perfect and Polite Pandas. They are so adorable!!
  • Anonymous user
    My neightbour had the lion and sheep and I was so jealous. I seem to remember the cousins cost more and my mum telling me they were too much. I still have my care bears from my childhood.
  • Anonymous user
    I had most of the care bear cousins as small plastic toys. I think I was missing the monkey. My first one was gentle heart lamb (a green sheep) but I prefered brave heart lion.
  • Anonymous user
    Didn't have any of the Cousins, but I remember being introduced to them in one of the Care Bear movies.