Lana Cox


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  • Baby Born
    Me and my sister both got one of these when we were about nine or ten. Gosh was it fun! ...Until we lost them. :(
  • Tamagotchi Pets
    I had one of those. Pretty annoying! XP
  • Barney
    I was friggin OBSSESSED with barney until I was eight. I had nearly all the barney stuffies possible, and I still have 95% of his VHS tapes, lol White with pink writing.
  • Gabbigale
    Wow, this sounds fun. :D
  • Baby Grows Up
    -gasp- I WANT ONE!
  • Care Bear Cousins
    Oh! I had the cozy heart penguin. Me and my sister found it in the attic last year and gave it to our friend who loves penguins. lol.

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