Firefox (1982)

Clint Eastwood stars as Mitchell Gant whose job it is to steal a revolutionary new Soviet fighter plane called Firefox.

The idea is that Gant must steal the plane before it can be mass produced because it is potentially very dangerous to the West with its radar invisibility and thought-guided weapons system.

Gant manages to steal the plane against all the odds but then has to escape the second prototype Firefox which gives chase.

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Do You Remember Firefox?

Do You Remember Firefox?

  • MissConduct
    Awful film - cardboard characters, paperthin script and dreadful sfx. I know this was made during the Cold War years, but OMG this has all the intrigue of opening a tin of baked beans with a rusty knife!
  • Anonymous user
    FIRE FOX 2. GANT, You got to put it back. You got to take the plane and stick it right back into the hanger without them even knowing. Can you do that Gant? Could you be that cool? Well? Can ya? Hey? I'm talking to you. Gant? Gant! Make your day, what? Oh. Come on, man? What's the matter with you? Think in russian?
  • Anonymous user
    Even as a child, this film made me very angry- if it had been the SOVIETS pinching a US 'plane then it would've been an outrage and a terrible crime, but when the Yanks do it to Russia then it's all justified and OK! Never mind all the international treaties this breaks in the process!
  • Anonymous user
    Further to above, Clint Eastwood in the Pilot Gear just about to board the cockpit looked more impressive than the futuristic Plane itself.
  • Anonymous user
    Clint Eastwood was as great as ever. However, the Plane Chase was quite artificial. The Plane also looked as if made of Cardboard. The Russians were horrendous. Anyway, a good movie altogether.