Willy Water Bug

I had the misfortune of owning a Willy Water Bug as a child. Willy Water Bug was a water toy with a bug-shaped body about 3 feet tall with striped plastic tentacles protruding from its body. It was connected to the garden hose and water would spray through the plastic tentacles causing them to menacingly flail around in search of young children's flesh. I think I used it maybe twice, but have spoken of it often.

I would try to jump over it and it would whip my legs with those horrible tentacles. It wasn't fun at all, but painful. If you left Willi hooked to the hose two consecutive days in the hot sun, those tentacles became like hot knives cutting through butter. There's nothing worse than being whipped with hot plastic.

When my mother offered to set up Willy in the backyard, I would always politely decline.

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Do You Remember Willy Water Bug?

Do You Remember Willy Water Bug?

  • Anonymous user
    I remember one day my grandmother had fixed all of my girl cousins hair. After that she said that she was going to the store and we "thought" that would take several hours because it usually did. She specifically left instructions for us not to play with Willy Waterbug. Needless to say she left and we did exactly what she told us not to do. She came back in about ten minutes and she caught us red-handed. She whooped everyone in the yard that day. That was every bit of 17-20 years ago and I will never forget that day as long as I shall live.
  • Anonymous user
    I had a willi waterbug and I loved it. There was nothing better than when it was hot outside to plug him up and let him spray you. Those were the days, not a care in the world, and getting sprayed with a hose pipe by a giant water bug.