

Newest Comments

  • Shrinky Dinky's
    Thanks Fiat! I was only little so they were a very vague memory, but your helpful addition has filled in the blanks and brought it all flooding back!
  • Burton's Potato Puffs
    I bought some Pom Bear crips for my Mum a few months back and she keeps going on that they remind her of 'potato puffs', I usually remember stuff, but she was getting frustrated and going 'YOU MUST remember them'? Anyway...she buys Pom bear's all of the time now as a substitute. Just a tip!
  • Hai Karate
    My brother's hated the stuff and yet got swamped in it at Christmas! It was nasty though!
  • Jovan
    This is a perfume that you're ashamed to love...because so many people go 'Ewwwww', furthered with remarks about it being 'soooo 80's'! when you say 'Jovan Musk'. I saw a bottle in Coventry Market, the other week and if my best mate hadn't have been with me I would have gone for it!
  • Lou Lou Perfume
    My mate, who was older than me and I idolised, always wore this stuff and she bought me a bottle for Christmas. I loved the stuff! Then a few years later, I wore it to work....if anyone has ever worked in a printers, you'll know those boys aren't very diplomatic and told me just what they thought of 'Lou-Lou'! Strangely enough, about a year later I smelt it again....and suddenly realised what they meant! I must have had the same developing scent senses as the above commentor's sister! Lol!
  • Panache
    Sorry Aura, I don't! The kind people that run the site must have added what it smells like because I've never smelt the two 'simular' perfumes in my life! Lol!
  • Shrinky Dinky's
    PS: The picture they have provided is wrong. They were called 'Shrinky Dinky's'. And they were just a cereal promo. That looks like some kind of toy from the US.

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