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High School Christmas Disco

This Memory is looking a little short on nostalgia! Have you got anything you could add?

Oh, there we were - giving Agadoo death - and what happens? Only the guy in 3rd year that we all fancied was SNOGGING A GIRL! Weep? The bus home was awash!

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Do You Remember High School Christmas Disco?

Do You Remember High School Christmas Disco?

  • Anonymous user
    It was middle school from which my school disco memories come. This was in the early 80s, and just happens to be the period most heavily featured on all those 'school disco' compilation CDs that were released a few years ago. There were some classics - Bad Manners 'Lip Up Fatty', Madness 'Baggy Trousers', The Piranhas 'Tom Hark'... Oh yes, the late 70s/early 80s Ska revival certainly made its mark on the school disco scene!