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  • Led Zeppelin
    My older brother introduced me to Zeppelin when I was still in grade school. I remember watching Song Remains the Same when it first came out. I was hooked as soon as they hit the stage. Sadly, Robert's son had just died. I remember standing in a long line outside our local record store waiting to buy In Through the Outdoor. I reached in my pocket and had exact change for the record. It felt like fate. I really thought I was going finally get lucky and see them live! My cousin had tickets for Knebworth but I didn't have the cash to get the UK. But then the terrible news. The thunder of Bonham fell silent that September. The dream was over. I still remember our local radio station playing unstop blocks of Zeppelin and old interviews with Plant describing how he and Bonzo joined the band. On my birthday, December 4th 1980, the band announced that "they couldn't continue as they were." In Rock history it would be a terrible year of loss. First Bonham, then Lennon. I offically hated the 1980's! Led Zeppelin will and still is one of the loose but tight delta blues rock legends of all times. I know people would like there music in neatly labeled boxes...Heavy Metal...Led Zeppelin. But if you listen to each of the albums honestly they were never boring or the same and they were NEVER HEAVY METAL!! Yes, they nicked some blues but it's want they did with those tunes that have us still talking about them today! Now, I wonder how many pop stars of today we will even remember what song they lipsynched 20 years down the road! See you all at the show in November in London! A whole lotta love from Cali

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