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  • Peter and Jane books
    I remember one book where they went to the beach and the conversation goes like this 'look look says Jane, look look Peter look, have a look, come and look, Peter has a look'. New word: LOOK.
  • BT chat lines
    I remember every Saturday night when mum and dad were out, me and my sister would dial 00550033 and listen to everyone flirting with each other and trying to be cool. We would never speak.
  • Ronco Adverts
    The background music was an instrumental of 'deck the halls'.
  • How we used to live
    I remember a girl called avril in it.
  • Armchair Thriller
    I remember the shadow of the man sitting on the chair in the opening credits. His hands woulod widen to claw-like horror in time to the music and i'd scream. I was about 6.
  • Patent leather shoes
    I gor a pair of burgundy patent leather shoes for the junior school christmas party. I took them out of the box to look at them abo9ut a hundred times. Whenever I see burgundy patent leather it takes me back to that special time and the magic of xmas.

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