mike stick up


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  • Shake 'n' Vac Advert
    a band fronm the 80's 'snuff' did a brilliant punky version of this song.
  • Public Safety Advert (Door Chain)
    yeah what an advert that song was ace. loads of different people ,a mad mad axeman , a granny etc..
  • Buzby
    my dad's pal was a phone engineer and i got a big sticker (from the side of a van) to put on my bedroom wall .how cool?
  • Fangs
    just come across this site and found the fangs and bones listing. Thank god someone else remembers these ,everyone thinks i;m a mentalist when i say do you remember fangs and bones?
  • Corona soft drinks
    i used to have a t shirt with a big orange bubble working a chest expander with the slogan 'i've passed my corona fizzical' my mumand dad had a cafe in the 1970's that sold it so we got loads of merchandise. cherryade was the best!!!!

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