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  • Treets
    "Treets melt in your mouth, not in your hand !" Aidan's right, they had a coating like Minstrels.
  • Mint Cracknel
    This is one they really should bring back. I blame it for my life long addiction to anything minty.
  • Marathon Bar
    490 BC - the Greeks defeated the Persian army at the battle of Snickers - doesn't sound right does it? BTW - the 8 inches of braided caramel & chocolate was (& still is, albeit a lot smaller) called Curly Wurly in the UK. It was banned in Ireland until 1979 - don't ask me why.
  • VCRs
    Our first VCR was a betamax (can't remember the manufacturer). It was the size of a suitcase & the timer record was a 3-way switch. You could only record for 30 minutes, 60 minutes or to the end of the tape.
  • Split knee trousers
    If you mean they were one colour above the knee & another below it, I had a pair of corduroy flares, top half black & bottom half purple.
  • Computacar
    It was actually Computacar - I had the white one & never managed to get my own cards to work well enough to get through the traffic cones. AFAIK it came out in 1970.
  • East European children's programmes
    The one with the tree & the prince/bear was "The Singing, Ringing Tree" (Brilliantly spoofed in "The Fast Show") I think the Flashing Blade was either French or Italian & I agree about the theme tune.

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