mark mackay


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  • Mark Strong
    Mad action man type who would chop a (plastic)piece of wood in half when you pressed a button on his back..(the 'wood' was already in 2 pieces that you had to sneakily put together when no one was watching!) Loads of different accessories a la Action man..and around early 70's..we all knew he was harder than 'girly' Action man!
  • Golden Nuggets
    Is it my imagination , or did i break a couple of teeth on Golden Nuggets? My , but it was worth it my humble opinion the Aston Martin of the sugary cereals showroom!
  • Cadbury's Wispa Bars
    i don't like wispas!!!!!!!!!
  • Lucozade
    RE; Mozer..You were playing with Sindy? Isn't Mozer a guys name?

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