hungry lass


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  • Wimpy
    I remember going to Wimpy in the 1980s and getting a burger and chips that came on a plate and NO BUN - most disappointing.
  • Splicer Bars
    Blast from the past!! Yes they were sort of pastel coloured and fruity - not thought about them in 30 yrs!
  • Rockin' Roller Crisps
    Yes - you could get cheese and onion flavour ones in a green and yellow bag - in Glasgow in the 1970s!
  • Quatro
    Also thought double tt...I remember saving up ring pulls and sending them away for a free 7 inch single of slade's run run away - about 1983!
  • Ipsos
    and strawberry....I'm sure the boxes were coloured not white.
  • Fine Fare Yellow Label Crisps
    oh - the wheat crunchies were good - and the square cheesy things - but i was 13 and buying them with my own pocket money so didn't mind they were cheap!
  • Cadbury's Creme Teddy Bear
    oh wow- I can remember badgering my mum to buy me one of these at Queen St station when I was very young. She said 'you won't like it...' and she was right! sure i would now tho!

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