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  • Snugglebumms
    One Christmas my sister and I had snugglebumms, I had the mum (I was the eldest!) and my sister had one of the kids who was white with purple hair. Our younger brother was so obsessed with the noise that my sister's one made that he always wanted to play with it, so in the end my parents had to get him one too.
  • Mr Men and Little Miss
    Mr Men were one of my first obsessions when I was very young! I had a Mr Bounce bedroom door sign, a Mr Daydream sponge, jigsaws, books and soft toys. I even remember Mr Men fruit gums, and we had hair ribbon with pictures of Little Miss on.
  • MoonDreamers
    I had the polar bear of these and my sister had the lion. We used to play with them lots but I never knew what they from.
  • Doodle Dome
    My sister had one of these for Christmas one year. We found it really difficult to use, so most of the pictures we drew consisted of wiggly lines!
  • Sylvanian Family
    I loved Sylvanian family, my sister and I literally had 100s of figures! Every time we went to the toy shop we would choose Sylvanaians over anything else. It would take a day to set up the whole collection over our bedroom so we could play with it all.

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