david gary gittins


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  • Action Man
    i remember receiving an action man kit bag for xmas 73,inside the draw string bag were several items like rope a pistol,binoculars etc about £3. Had a tom stone action man in 78 as well,which was a coloured soldier,must have been quite rare in its day.
  • Marathon Bar
    marathon changed its name to snickers in 1987 i think,and can remember feeling angry about it! an advert in 72or 73 had a man in a space suit who shot toward the sky after taking a bite i can vaguely remember.
  • Treets
    they also did treets in a light blue bag toffee ones,as well as peanut, which were similar to toffets
  • Dragon Snaps Crisps
    can remember them in early 70's priced at 2p,then sometime later at 3p

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