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  • Alpine Soft Drinks
    I got confused so this is about the lemonade man who used to come a couple of times a week delivering raspberryade and pineapplade etc. I remember him our neighbours used to get stuff from him He also sold other groceries It's a bygone age now of course
  • Raleigh Chipper
    I think I remember that I had the one up on the Chipper It was a Raleigh Tomahawk The next step up was The Chopper but I got a Grifter instead
  • Jackpot
    Yes Jackpot was a weekly treasure alongside sisters Buster, Whoopee, and Whizzer And Chips circa 1982 They didn't all come out on the same day though I seem to remember getting Buster on Tuesday and the others on Thursday or Friday I did live in Southern Ireland though The Holiday bumper specials where cool Cor and Monster Fun bumper special comics popped up at Easter Time and the Christmas annuals where a treat also
  • Whoopee
    Yes Whoopee And Cheeky comic early 80's with Paddywack on the cover Cheeky had originally been part of the Krazy gang in Krazy Comic
  • Pocketeers
    Yes Of Course Very collectable these days especially boxed
  • Alpine Soft Drinks
    Did they come in a cone shaped tin ??
  • Pacers
    Rings a Bell

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