Brian Easley


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  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    We converted our company in the U.S. to the Dairy Queen chain and all the international operations closed down I believe
  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    Hello, My name is Brian Easley, I'm with an american outfit called Druther's, we were the company that brought Huckleberry's Burger Bar across the pond from America so many years ago. I was wondering if you still had any photographs of your time there or the store, uniforms, etc? I'm working on a kind of company history project, and am reaching out to everyone I can to talk about their experiences and see their photos and memorabilia. Best wishes from Kentucky, -Brian Easley Vice President, Druther's
  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    Does anyone have any photos of Huckleberry's memorabilia, or the restaurants themselves? I'm putting a book together, sort of a corporate history of my company, Druther's, formerly known as Burger Queen. We were the ones who brought Huckleberry's to the UK! Send any Huckleberry's photos to
  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    That's right! We opened up locations in the UK under the name Huckleberry's! I'm so glad people remember! -Brian Easley, Vice President, Druther's
  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    Hello from across the pond! Huckleberry's was actually a part of my company at the time, Druther's! We started as thr Burger Queen chain of restaurants, and rebranded the entire chain to Druther's Restaurants. We opened up locations in the UK under the name Huckleberry's. In 1990 we converted the entire chain of restaurants to Dairy Queens, in the next few years that's when I assume Huckleberry's closed. Glad to see folks still remember! Thanks for your question, hope I could help! -Brian Easley Vice President, Druther's Systems Louisville, Kentucky, USA