Paul O'Callaghan


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  • KP Whickers
    I loved these,they had a great chickeny flavour.
  • Ketchips
    I remember a comedian in the late 1990s saying they were for kids who were too stupid to use a ketchup bottle !
  • Chipmunk Crisps
    I liked Chipmunk crisps but the only place i can remember getting them was at the Arsenal.
  • Noodle Doodles
    I loved the TV ad " Noodle doodles yum yum yum,foods never been such fun!"
  • Ipsos
    Does anyone remember the advert for Ipsos ? It involved a man dreaming of Ipsos at a train station with a calypso beat in the background.It ended with him being woken by a black woman in a train staff uniform yelling "hey man you're gonna miss your train !"
  • Huckleberry's Burger Bar
    I'm so glad i found this site,no one i know can remember them.When i was a kid i used to go to the Wood Green High Rd one a lot.I remember the TV ad as well,"you may have been to timbuctu,or been in a hot air balloon,but have you ever been to Huckleberrys ?"

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