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  • 1970's Nylon overalls
    these things were called "house-dresses" in Scotland. My Gran often wore one at home especially when making scotch pancakes or hanging washing up on the "pulley"
  • American Tan Tights
    these were an essential part of the Girl Guide uniform at one point ( late 70's) when on parade. Well, it was deemed essential in the west coast of Scotland at least !
  • Cadbury's Old Jamaica
    its not quite the same somehow, without the gold wrapper but I have a customer who buys me two Old Jamaica bars as a Christmas tip every year. Excellent present! I DON'T share them with ANYONE !!!!
  • Queen's Silver Jubilee
    saw the Queen at Irvine shopping mall that year. The council spent a small fortune on laying a red carpet all the way through the new building for the Queen to walk down. She put ONE footstep on it- she walked close to the crowd barriers talking to the people waiting there to see her and ignored all the dignitaries. I was quite impressed by this even though I was only seven.
  • Poison Perfume
    I can remember a certain set of girls in my year at school who thought Poison was the height of sophistication. What a stench when they gathered together at breaktime...
  • Ferguzade
    I can remember selling it when I worked as a Saturday assistant in a small chemist in the late 80's. Along with Askit powders, Abdines and Panadeine Co. The bottles were wrapped in coloured cellophane, if I remember correctly.

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