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  • Innoxa Gingham
    Georgia B is right, Lancôme Hypnose is very similar ( Mwaahhhh darling Georgia thank you! ) however it doesn't last SO I have found another similar and that's dirt cheap so you can lavish it on and then top up with Hypnose and that is....Playboy in the red bottle ( Play it Rock). Not our beloved Gingham....but close x - See more at:
  • Gingham
    Georgia B is right, Lancôme Hypnose is very similar ( Mwaahhhh darling Georgia thank you! ) however it doesn't last SO I have found another similar and that's dirt cheap so you can lavish it on and then top up with Hypnose and that is....Playboy in the red bottle( Play it Rock). Not our beloved Gingham....but close x
  • Biba Make-Up
    I used to wear Yellow 2 shade. It was exceedingly yellow, but great and I loved the little black pot it came in. Probably look hideous now but I thought I looked gorgeous!!
  • Innoxa Gingham
    Definitely will try that! Still wish I could waft around in a cloud of Gingham!
  • Innoxa Gingham
    I have just bought some off ebay! What do you have davvad? Not the perfume by any chance? I have spent the whole day sniffing my wrist(it arrived this morning) in an ecstasy of nostalgia.Transported back in time. I'm 17 again!! (isn't that a film title!! It's still gorgeous.
  • Take Three Girls
    I know this is probably way too late but the song was "Night (Light?) Flight?" by Pentangle. You can find it on You tube
  • Budgie
    I adored this series with the wonderful theme music written I think by Ray Davies of the Kinks. I was of course madly in love with my own bad boy hence why I liked it so much. Fortunately I came to my senses (not easy when you are 17!)and dumped him when I realised he was not going to transform himself into Gerald Harper ( see Hadleigh)and buy me a big mansion in the country!!

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