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  • Charles of the Ritz
    Yes I remember Charles of the Ritz,. I was employed by them from approx 1959 -1962 when I left to marry the then Display Manager of Charles of the Ritz. I was the secretary to thePromotions Manger, Julie Wakeham. I obviously used Ritz's cosmetics and perfumes. Each store consultant blended a customers face powder to suit their complexion. This was a first class service. Each client had their visit and requirements noted so consultants had their clients needs to hand. I can remember having a day out to help a consultant promote a new product. A As I cannot recall which one, but the store was Swan and Edgar in Piccadilly which has long gone. I still possess a small make up bag with CoR woven into it. I use it quite often after all these years. My husband Ronald 'Ron' went on to be display manager at both Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior. Unfortunately he died in June 2015. He loved his career.

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