Magic Man


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  • Stretch Armstrong
    I used to put mine in the fridge so he could be used as a solid action figure to battle Action Man...
  • Six Million Dollar Man
    Had the rocket too! Complete with tubes to plug into his bionics and a mock x-ray device! Yep, it was a tri-fold thing and once he was in there and shut up he couldn't move a millimetre :)
  • Steer-n-go
    ...also used to put it together with Chutes Away to bomb the car! ;)
  • Steer-n-go
    I had one of these too and it was great. I also had some sort of magic driving game that used small plastic gars and these fitted much better on the Steer-n-Go, they were a lot smaller and the landscape was a better scale for them to drive around. The reverse action of the set meant that I could drive around the little hills (which now were mountains) and come back the other way and stop by the water feature...!

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