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  • Y-Cardigans
    The Y cardigan was very much in fashion in around 1982/83/84 but they became a less familiar sight in 1987,although you saw the occasional one worn from there afterwards,this is one of my biggest regrets,as I keep asking myself "Why didn't I buy one" I even looked around the stalls in the local market in Winter 1984 after being told that's where I could find one,but no sign of them,really luck didn't succeed at all,because any I did see were too small & had real difficulty in tracking any down.I didn't really know much about fashion in that time when I was only 14/15, I like you just wish that they could be revived & brought back into fashion,especially the Grey ones with the Burgundy band round the middle as I think that was the most popular colour followed by Blue & the band in pale Grey. The closest I got was when I bought a similar looking Grey/Burgundy one but with the "BMX" logo in place of the "Y"but sadly was too small,maybe they were mainly intended for the younger generation,however I at least got to wear some,despite never owning one of my own,by borrowing someone's from school without them knowing. The "Y" I found out only recently,did stand for YALE but the cardigans were I think made in Hong Kong,not in the USA.

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