Leo Chappell


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  • Kraftwerk
    True genuine pioneers of electronic music and the Influence behind many diverse acts, from Afrika Bambaata to O.M.D. ( Bambaata sampled Trans-Europe Express on Planet rock, O.M.D. named their 3rd LP Organisation after the group 2 of Kraftwerk were in pre-Kraftwerk). I still have all my Vinyl ( showing my age here) Kraftwerk stuff, all original and worth listen once in a while. A listen to my luminous 12" of 'neon lights' manages to create both an ambient aural and visual spectacle, with the lights down, of course..
  • Ace of Base
    Amazing to add, but when it came out their first Album, 'Happy Planet' was the biggest selling debut album. How? It still astounds me that a bunch of Swedish types doing cod-reggae songs / covers of songs sold so many. Horse for courses i guess!

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