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  • Burton's Potato Puffs
    I remember Burton's Potato Puffs. They were delicious. We used to have the plain potato ones. They tasted delicious and were a welcomed snack after swimming on our way back to school. Those were the days. The crisps and snacks of today do not taste of real food - they taste synthetic. The soil was not over-farmed then the soil was fertile and had plenty of nutrients and food tasted delicious. Please bring them back. I am sick of the cardboard tasting options of today with too much sodium. We have choice but the choice is not good. They are not nice - even organic taste bad because of depleted soil. Those potato puffs tasted of potato. It would be nice for the kids of today to taste them. They would love them as our generation did. We also used to get crisps. We would go into a shop and be given freshly cooked crisps and they would be given to us crushed in a small bag. They were delicious too and for the life of me I cannot remember who made them but they tasted so good. I do wish the corporations of today would listen to what we want. They are losing a lot of money. They need to up their game and and stop bringing in items that are tasteless with no nutritional value. We could all rejoice in a lovely potato puff fest and remember the positive bits of days gone by. That would bring people together.

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