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  • Soda Stream
    "fond memories of a Soda Stream drink called Dracula's Blood, which was vivid red" And bloody strong, remember it being more of a dark cherry flavour. One id forgoten about though, for two that stick in the mind, Gremlin stripe (fruity green, like the old green quosh) and the best flavour they ever did, Mr T's knockout punch. What i wouldn't give to taste that again... it was like a bubblegum berry, absolutely wonderfull, it wasn't so sickly sweet like most other flavours.
  • Skips Crisps
    Wooo, id forgoten all about the flavours they did in the 90's, both the chilli and curry were top dollar... the chinese were a bit yack, bland a and dry. Throwing it back to the 80's, the best flavour they ever did.... sweetcorn relish:) Didn't they do a tomato flavour at some point... it's in the head, but i can't remember.
  • Campri Ski Jackets
    The cabrini range at Jd sports circa 87-89 were far and a better than the campri jackets. Im absolutely gutted i lost my flouresent green/yellow and blue cabrini.. 35quid, beat the campri (£50) hands down.

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