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  • Johnny Seven Gun
    Snap Simon one boy in our street had one I was so envious but I found out later in life his parents got it to shut him up he had the material stuff I didn't but I had the love of my parents
  • Johnny Seven Gun
    Even with those missing people still play at good price at least £100 then they try and collect the bits. I did it with a Chitty Bang Bang car slowly we built it and based on E Bay prices if I sold it I'd make a clear profit of £100
  • Johnny Seven Gun
    The advertisement for it is on YouTube lol
  • Johnny Seven Gun
    Lucky boy I'm 55 so it must have been the toy of the year but it really was out of the range of my parents back in those days I was happy with what I got and I thought maybe next year lol now on eBay and other sites a complete rifle is around £300 talk about inflation
  • Johnny Seven Gun
    You can Stephen but like then they're very expensive a complete set is around £300 but all the same it was my dream to have one then and I'm still thinking about it now lol