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  • Ford Corsair.
    The Corsair ran from 1963 to 1970, being replaced with the Cortina Mk3. It first used the 1.5 Kent engine that powered the more expensive Cortina Mk1 models and was intended to bridge the gap between that and the larger Zephyr/Zodiac.
  • Ford Classic
    This was one of the rare times when Ford dropped the ball. This was a sales failure and costly to produce, so was eagerly killed off in favour of the (Consul) Cortina.
  • Robin of Sherwood
    Nothing's forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten - especially a series as good as this one!
  • Vauxhall Victor FD
    Drive her and you feel trendsetter! This was the launch tag line for the FD Victor and it was a car that was closely copied three years later by Ford with their Mk3 Cortina.

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