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  • Choose Your Own Adventure Books
    I remember one called Who Killed Harlow Thromby - I don't think I ever manged to find out...
  • Fighting Fantasy Books
    Citadel of Chaos was one of my favourites along with deathtrap Dungeon
  • Beezer
    The Numbskulls - genius
  • Escape From Colditz
    I remember the Staff Car card was always a good one to get, allowing you to try and make your escape by driving through the gates
  • Crackerjack
    Wasn't one of the games called "Take a Letter"
  • 3-2-1
    This may be an urban myth but apparently someone once won a St Bernard dog on the show!
  • Guess Who
    I remember playing this with my friend Paul and he kept picking the same card (about 4 games in a row!)- Maria, who wore a rather fetching beret

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