Billy Britton


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  • Corona soft drinks
    Vwt2. Just catching up on this site from my original post 7 years ago!. Remember Dave Sadler well. Brian Rollinson, who I mentioned I think passed away some years ago as did Alan Gooday the area manager at that time. I remember working with les Frater, he and I were ' milk round supervisors' helping to transfer the rounds over to Unigate Dairy? We were out and about in a car calling on the customers arranging their transfer. It was the best few months work we ever had! Another good guy at Dagenham was Roy Dann a real gem of a guy. I worked briefly at Stamford Hill for the manager there but it was to far to travel from Dagenham for me , nice manager if i remember, also remember the Southend depot closing and the boys travelling up twice a week to load their lorries. Memories fading a little now, but all in all, a fantastic experience.
  • Corona soft drinks
    What an interetsing thread, I worked for Corona at the Selina Lane Depot from 1970 to 1975 as a Driver/Salesman and latterly as a supervisor. The Manager ws Brian 'Rolly' Rollinson, others were Alan the Area Manager, Roy Dann, Len Grimwood?, Graham the cashier and Bill the mechanic. Bill would always service your car for a small fee! Graham would often collect the wages for the guys on a Friday and would walk the couple of miles back from the bank carrying the money pouch, how he never got mugged was a miracle! Brian the manager always maintained that he didn't have a phone so couldn't be contacted outside working hours, clever man!I worked a 'split' round (so-called because it was split between two salesmen covering 9am-9pm) I think it was round 5. Me and my partner Colin were always nearly top of the saleschart but were consistently beaten by a split round at the Stamford Hill Depot.Looking back this was a fantastic job, lots of new salesman coming and going some staying just a week or two others, like me, staying for years. The direct selling door-to-door stopped in 1975 and the operation transferred to the milk round companies although some of the guys purchased the fanchise themselves and continued to sell door-to-door, I wonder how long that lasted.

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