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  • VCRs
    Anyone remember the silver VCR's? The first video recorders to ciome out, sometimes they chewed the video tapes up while in the middle of watching a film. The top used to eject up and down when you pressed a button.
  • Ask The Family
    I thought it was quite boring to be honest.
  • Angels
    They never used to show people having injections or graphic shots of operations then, like they do now.
  • All Creatures Great and Small
    I thought Mrs Hall reminded me of one of my aunts.
  • Escalator Safety Advert
    Escalators have been round since the Victorian/Edwardian times, and were made of wood.
  • Titanic
    I come from Southampton and the memorial to the Stokersa is in the park. I saw this at the cinema and the heating was broken, so it was cold adding to the atmosphere. The audience clapped and cheered at the end.
  • Time Bandits
    Some historical inaccuracies here. Like on the titanic, OK so they got wet but in those waters they would have froze to death within 10 mins.

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