The Tin Drum (1979)

I remember watching this years ago. It was quite disturbing, but i liked it. The film The Tin Drum (or Die Bleditrammel) is based on the book written by Gunter Grass, about a young boy called Oskar. For his third birthday he receives a shiny new tin drum and from that moment he decides he never wants to grow up and get bigger, so throws himself down the stairs, naturally! Whenever the world gets too much for the little one, he throws a paddy and bangs his drum like a boy possessed (check out the DVD cover!). He also has the power tto break glass when he screams, despite his tiny lungs. I seem to recall that it had a horrid scene in it that involved eels. A lot of The Tin Drum was set in Germany during World War II.

The Tin Drum, depsite its freakiness, became one of the most financially successful films in Germany during the 70s and won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film in 1979 even though some of the content was pretty controversial, to say the least.

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Do You Remember The Tin Drum?

Do You Remember The Tin Drum?