Technology TECH

Portable Record Player

This Memory is looking a little short on nostalgia! Have you got anything you could add?

No one remembers baby sitter had one and it was like a slipped in a 33 vinyl and away you went! I think the batteries went after about three tracks on an album and it must have taken about 10!

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Do You Remember Portable Record Player?

Do You Remember Portable Record Player?

  • Anonymous user
    Yes I had one in 1971, I think mine was a bush or Prinz from Dixons, cost about £25. I only earned £11 a week. You put your 45 or 33 in like a modern CD player and the needle moved across. I played Cotton Fields by the Beach boys and Abraham Martin and John by Marvin Gaye. The sound quality was excellent and never skipped. Have been looking for another one, but no luck. Contact me if you have one
  • Anonymous user
    I am currently trying to purchase one similar to this, does anyone have one to sell to me, name your price.
  • Anonymous user
    wow!! My mum and dad had one of those!! Thought it was a dream I'd had :)