Learn To Swim

This was an animated advert that featured a girl day-dreaming about her boyfriend. "This is me, thinking, as usual about Dave. Dave is super! Dave can do anything! Oh!, 'es really great! she says. Then POW! Out pops my fairy godmother with an"'I'll give you three wishes routine." Wish number one is easy. (Dave appears). Next... I wish we were both at the sea-side. (they are now at the sea-side). "Come on, Dave... let's swim," I say. Dave gestures with his hand waving no. She gets angry, saying, "What 'e really meant was, 'e could'nt Swim!" Still got one wish left remember! POW!! "Meet Mike ("Allo!"), 'e swims like a fish." Dave feeling dejected says to the fairy-godmother, "I wish... I wish I didn't keep losing me birds!'" to which the fairy godmother replies, hitting him with her magic wand, "Then, learn to swim young man! Learn to swim!"

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Do You Remember Learn To Swim?

Do You Remember Learn To Swim?

  • Anonymous user
    I can still recite this advert word for word even after all this time !!
  • Andrew Dexter
    I also remember this advert but i cant remember the actual year, the 'learn to swim' title was a little misleading as i was also thinking of the other advert that had the same title but as a song, it went something like ' breast stroke,back stroke, butterfly and crawl, and so on until it ended with, 'you can do them all, learn to swim' anyone remember that one?
  • Anonymous user
    Didn't Rolf Harris do a learn to swim advert too?
  • Anonymous user
    This was one of the best adverts on the telly. In the same league as the "Dail 999 and ask for the coastguard"