Ker Knockers

I'm sure that these were the names of them but I am sure someone might put me right. They were around late-60's/early-70's. They two small balls on each end of string with a hoop in the middle that you held in your hand, then you had to get the balls to knock together, then when you had built up speed you tried to get it to swing and hit together above your hand and then below your hand. You'd end up with alot of bruises on your hands if the missed.

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Do You Remember Ker Knockers?

Do You Remember Ker Knockers?

  • Anonymous user
    Yes very well and they were called let knokers they were great but hurt if you couldn't do it lol
    • Anonymous user
      Sorry ker knockers
    • Anonymous user
      Same here! Impossible fete and dangerous to boot!
  • Anonymous user
    Ker knockers
  • Anonymous user
    Yes they were clackers/klackers and I loved these. I was really good at this too even if I do say so myself! They were totally banned, not just at school cos there were too many injuries caused by them and they got used as a weapon too! Shame though because more recent attempts at a similar toy are nowhere near as good.
  • Anonymous user
    they were called clackers/klackers....gr8!! banned from school....clackers,not me!!