Toys & Games TOYS & GAMES

Betta Bilda

I remember having Betta Bilda when I was about 6 years old,1961. It was the favourite of all my toys. I used to build farm houses and was given the accessories like ponds, animals, fences, swings etc and I spent half my life making different houses, cottages, farm buildings etc. What I wouldn't give to have that now. I never liked Lego much and I loved the green tiles that used to clip together. Would love to be that kid again!

I used to love this stuff so much better than Lego. What I loved the most was that if you built a house, you could put in windows (with plastic glass,) doors, chimneys and the brick sizes were single, double & treble size bricks. My wife tells me the sizes went up to 6 but I never had any of those. Fantastic fun and I spent hours upon hours building all these different things. Far far better than Lego!

Do You Remember Betta Bilda?

Do You Remember Betta Bilda?