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  • Gypsy skirt
    On the gypsy skirt theme, I was pregnant in the mid 1970's and maternity wear was scarce unless you wanted to wear Mothercare tents! So I wore a larger size of Dorothy Perkins fashion of the time, which happened to be a pink gingham checked smock dress complete with frilly hem and puffed sleeves, which also had a white sleevless broiderie anglais overdress to complete the Little Bo Peep look! God what a sight I must have been at 6 months gone. However, it was lovely and cool in that hot summer of 76!
  • Topper
    Yes Jo, I got the Topper in the late 60's,used to look forward to a thursday when it was delivered... the free gifts were great, do you remember a great device called something like a whizz- bang? you shook it hard and it made a noise like a loud gunshot! No idea what it was supposed to be for, other than annoying grownups! Ha,ha, happy days

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