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  • Baby Alive
    I am going through some bags I stored several years ago and have 4 Baby Alive's here - but no food, diapers etc. I have put new batteries in and 'some water'? but nothing has happened. I would like to sell these and don't know the best way to go about it apart from ebay which I have taken a dislike to for some reason or other!.. 3 are in excellent condition There are 2 - 1990 1 1991 with a speaker on front of tummy. And on older one with soft arms and soft cheeks - which I assume blow out I have dresses with them too
  • Transformers
    Oh and by the way - I have a whole heap of vintage toys to sell. I like this site - much better than searching through ebay. When you google something you get everything but the thing you asked for
  • Transformers
    How much did you say Dinobot was worth? I think I've got one! I have quite a few that I put in a bag to check out when I closed my secondhand business some 12 years ago - and until recently couldn't be bothered looking at them. Now I find, a lot are worth money - and that is what I need right now - so I am looking for the best way to sell them.
  • Gloworm
    I have 2 of these 1982 and 1984 but there is no battery in them- how do I get them to glow? They are empty inside thanks

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