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  • Rowntree's Fruit Gums
    I loved these when they were proper fruit gums loved the black and red. You always got sore teeth and they stuck round your teeth like mad. No where near as good now they have changed them and made them soft gums
  • Pink Shrimp Sweets
    so so tasty and always in the mix up bags
  • Texan Bar
    Texan bars always gave me sore jaws chewing but they were well worth it
  • Pez
    o my goodness I loved these
  • Pacers
    pacers were real nice and cool - my horses loved em
  • Candy cigarettes
    thats right there were ones with paper on the ends too - gosh so young and unwise lol
  • Creamola Foam
    I used to love it - the tins were so retro yum

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