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  • Pound Puppies
    I received my first pund puppie when I was 7 years old. It was the summer before 2nd grade and I was staying with my grandma. I broke my arm and she gave it to me (it was suppose to be a christmas present)I left it at a grocery store that same week and cried for days. My parents were able to contact the store(they actualy found it) and paid to have it shipped back to me COD. I still have that little brown puppy and will never get rid of it. I also have a pink one my great grandma made for me. She didn't have the money to buy one, but knew my cousin and I really wanted one for christmas. That one means even more to me than the little brown one does.
  • Voltron
    I was the only girl on the block or kid on the block for that matter that had Voltron They did kick ultimate ass which is why I have the cartoon series that has recently came out on dvd.
  • Tonka Trucks
    Back in the mid 80's my Strawberry Shortcake dolls drove my older brothers tanka Trucks while the Tanka Man action figure had to ride shotgun
  • The Littlest Pet Shop
    I was too old for these toys when they first came out, but my daughter and I now "collect" them. They are her favorite toys and I say that "we" "collect" them because she has over 200 pets and I love them so much I buy the new ones when every they come out. Including the games, puzzles and playsets to get the exclusive pets. Also the only T-Shirts she will wear are LPS as is her back pack and lunch box.
  • Strawberry Shortcake
    Strawberry was my first "real" toy. My mother bought me every doll including the later years Party Dolls and every accesory. Some of the pieces, all of the shoes and most of the pets were lost over time, but my 5 yr old now has all of my origional dolls to go along with the ones that came out in the last few years and is as hooked on the new movies as I was on the toys as a child.
  • Sky Dancers
    I hate these dolls. My Aunt thought it was appropriate to give them to my daughter when she was only 3 (she is 5 now) and she cried for hours because she could not make them work.
  • Shirt-Tales
    Although I never had any of the toys, this was always one of my favorite cartoons along with The Smurfs, the Snorks and Voltron.

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