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  • Charlie Says
    These ads always scared me as a kid then as I got older I loved this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSTBFZ-To2E&feature=fvwrel
  • Star Wars
    Quite possibly the most groundbreaking film ever - totally changed the face of special effects and took film making to a whole new level ..... and my favourite film of all time (I have no idea how many times I have watched it .... easily hundreds Im so sad ;(
  • The Goonies
    The truffle shuffle ..... awsome
  • Battle of the Planets
    I have the entire series of this on DVD never been opened. If anyone is interested in it I am open to offers
  • Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors
    Brilliant cartoon .... sad part was there was never a conclusion it just finished ... so we never got to find out if he found his father

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