Gary Knight


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  • The Sweeney
    The Sweeney what an absolute classic I have every episode on DVD. very politically incorrect these days but the threads and motors they used were super cool. Remember the old bronze Ford Consul 3.0GT?
  • Brut
    Sad as it is I still love the clean fresh smell of Brut but Im not brave enough to wear it out!
  • Death of Princess Diana
    Like most people I can remember the exact place and people I was with when the news broke, Id just had a blinding night out in Banbury, we went back to my mates place to eat are greasy grub and it was on the TV....shocking then and still as shocking now.
  • Charles and Diana's Royal Wedding
    I think I was about 3 but I do have vivid memorys of my Mum and Dad taking photos of the TV screen! and putting them in a special album ??
  • Smash Hits Magazine
    I remember getting a big sheet of free pop stickers in about 1988, which i stuck all over my bedroom door, they were a nightmare to get off again 10 years later !
  • Ladybird Books
    I still have my Ladybird cookery books!, very retro now and the food is all 70s type stuff but I wont chuck em yet !
  • Ford Escort
    When I sarted driving in 95 I really wanted a Mk3 escort 1.6 GL with all the chrome trim, I loved them .....but I bought a Mk 1 Fiesta supersport instead !

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