Billy Barnes


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  • Buster
    Buster was one of the comics I got every week and I would always read X Ray Specs first. I always wanted a pair of X ray specs so I could spy on my next door neighbour
  • The Dandy
    My favourites in the dandy were Cuddles and Dimples, The Jocks and the Geordies and Bully Beef and chips.
  • Street Fighter
    This was my favourite computer game of all time. I was brilliant at this game and I could beat my friends at it. I always used to be Blanka as I always used the electricity move. These days kids are playing games such as Grand theft Auto.
  • Whack Attack
    I got this game one christmas and all through Christmas Day I played it and drove my mum nuts
  • Screwball Scramble
    I had this game and I could never do it. At the end of term my friends who also had the game could do it and I was gutted that I couldn't do it
  • Heroquest
    I remember the advert to this and I thought that if I played this I'd turn into a monster.
  • Guess Who
    I remember playing this with my friends and we always used to laugh at Robert because he looked very sad.Eric was a sailor and I always thought Frans was a man

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