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  • Zap Ice Creams
    Anyone remember the name of those boxes of ice cream chocolates you could only buy in cinemas?
  • Weekend box (chocolates by Mackintosh)
    My first grown up box of chocolates. My dad bought me and my sister one home on our Birthdays as children and we felt dead grown up. Loved the sugary lime one drizzled with dark chocolate :)
  • Um Bongo
    It was a man who wrote it (he was in The Metro newspaper) and a man on the advert too. Everyone learned the lyrics
  • Topic bar
    Toby! Funny how you always remember right at the end :)
  • Tropicools
    OMG the chocolate ones were fanstastic. They weren't quite like an ice lolly, they tasted and had the texture of a mixture of ice lolly and mousse. Gorgeous!!!
  • The Sweet
    Poor Brian! Loved Steve Priest when I was a kid. I had my first erotic experience watching him flick his hair on TOTP. They actually had a pretty rocky side when Chin/Chapman were out of the picture
  • CB Radio Handles
    I was Manhattan lady and my then boyfriend was Black Polo. I remember crouching down in his bedroom in case a Royal Mail van came down the road cos everyone thought the Post Office was fining people for having a radio. The bigger your 'twig' (ariel) the better! Every breaker owned a copy of the record 'Convoy' and none of us drove HGV, we were all stupid late teens who annoyed the truckers

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