

Newest Comments

  • Rumba Bar
    I recall the name Rumba. Can't remember what it was like! Was it similar to Amazin' Raisin?
  • Nestle Croquettes
    Aaahhh yes!!! I remember my mum bought some of these when i was very young in the early 60's. They were yummy and were wrapped in a red tube-shaped pack and definitely tasted much nicer, so different to Nestle choc now.
  • Merry Maid chocolate caramels
    Yes, i remember Merry Maids. My mum used to buy them for us sometimes, in the 60's. Jamesons also made an assortment called Gaiety! I liked these cos they were cheaper than Quality Street. Anyone remember another toffee - Hussicks??
  • Golden Cup
    Aaahh yes!! That's another bar i loved and forgot all about. They all keep disappearing, don't they??!! Why is it that everything i love, they don't make anymore. No taste, that's what i say!!!
  • Chipmunk OXO Crisps
    Yes, definitely real. I first had these crisps in junior school in the mid 60's when they started selling them in the tuck shop. Yum!!!
  • Cabana Bars
    Mmmm, yum!! I loved Cabana too. And Aztec, Amazin' Raisin, Fry's Milk/Dark Sandwich. Anyone remember Gaiety by Jamesons (also made Raspberry Ruffles), they were cheaper than Quality Street!!!
  • Amazon bars
    Yes, bring them back!! In fact bring back a whole lot of now defunct choccie bars. I live in Australia now and when i visited England in 1997 i went into three shops (ie Woollies, Superdrug and a newsagent) and bought a different selection of chocolate bars from each shop to bring back to Aus. Now, there is nothing like that variety anymore!!!

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