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  • Just 17
    Robmerch1 - Try contacting the publishing company, Emap, who produced the magazine. You can find their details on 'Wikipedia', I think. Good luck with your search.
  • Skinheads
    A friend of my husband was pushing her toddler along a street, in his buggy, when she saw a large group of scarey looking skinheads coming towards her. She tightened her grip on the buggy and avoided eye contact. But as they passed, her little one called out ', Hello,boys!' - causing all the scarey skinheads to stop and smile and make a fuss over her son. Ah, bless!
  • Birds eye orange mousse
    I don't remember this type of orange mousse, but my fave was the pot that had orange on one side and lemon on the other. Happy days!
  • Richard Shops
    Richard shops are...?....the pretty things, soft and lovely pretty things to wear. Hey there, pretty thing, make the world a prettier place. Come'pretty up'; come buy your clothes at Richards Shops. was something like that.I was quite young at the time so my memory is a bit hazy.
  • Ladybird Books
    The thing I loved most about old Ladybird books was the smell! Can't really describe it - sort of old and dusty.
  • Just 17
    I had Just 17 delivered for what seemed like years - wish I'd kept them for my daughters. Definitely NO position of the fortnight!
  • Chocolate Hubba Bubba
    There was definitely chocolate flavour too - I remember it well!

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