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  • Fuzzy Felt
    There's a photo I have of my 4th or 5th birthday party - I got a fuzzy felt set, and I am sitting there playing with it while all the other kids are crowded around. I wouldn't let anyone go near it - to this day I remember how much I loved it. I think it might have been the circus one.
  • Sindy
    My Sindy could do pointy toes was the major thing for me - my sister had a 'Daisy' doll that couldn't point her toes. I don't think that Barbie was that popular back then.
  • Hula Hoop
    I loved my hula hoop back in the late 70's because I could keep the thing going for ages - no problem. I bought one last year thinking, oh this should be an easy way to keep fit. How wrong I was. How on earth did I ever manage to hula back then. I have no idea what the knack was now.
  • Hungry Hungry Hippos
    My sister and I drove my poor parents mad with the noise of this thing - I don't recall there being any skill to the game, you just had to make the hippos eat those plastic balls as fast as possible. I remember it being a lot of noise for less than half a minute.

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