Claire Mck


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  • Trio Biscuits
    The wee girl used to freak me out, anyone else remember the puzzles that used to be on the inside of the outer wrapper.....loved them!
  • Opal Fruits
    Lime was always my favourite, now my wee girl like starburst and always picks out the green ones for me. I had a nostalgia moment when I bought them in ASDA the other week.....mmmmm yummy!
  • Monster Munch
    The roast beef flavour was by far the best, although I like the mega hot monster munch in the red packet.
  • Milka Praline Crisp
    Can still see the purple packaging now....still prefer nestle crunch though
  • Meanies Corn Snacks
    Power to meanies!!! much better than space raiders!
  • Lucozade
    Ideal tonic when you have kids and are suffering greatly with a hangover!
  • Lucky Tatties
    I tried these recently and they weren't as good as they used to be, no lucky charm inside! basically it was a lump of icing covered in Cinnamon.

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