Sara Hollins


Newest Comments

  • Daktari
    I used to love this programme! Especially Clarence the cross eyed lion!! Wasn't there a monkey too? Wish they would bring these programmes back instead of the rubbish on nowadays! Aaaah, nostalgia rules!!!
  • Mojos
    loved mojos and blackjacks!! The fruit salad ones were always more sticky and wrapped around your teeth! Anyone remember chocolate flavour chewy sweets - they were yummy!!
  • Belle and Sebastian
    yeah, must have been on in the 70's as I would have been 23 in 1984 and definitely wasn't watching it then! I reckon it must have been shown in late 70s. I was born in 1961.
  • White Horses
    I remember white horses and the great games I played in my grandparents garden with my cousins - only remember my cousin Ian aged about five being Uncle Dmitri! Involved lots of galloping about and jumping over flower beds. Happy happy memories. Have downloaded the theme tune on itunes.
  • Aqua Manda
    I have been searching for a perfume that smells like aqua manda for thirty years! LOVED the smell and wish it would be brought back. Happy memories indeed. Sara

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